The end is drawing near
When we will meet our Lord
And enter our eternal rest
From life’s many stressful chores
I’m mindful more than ever
To be focused on things above
Not on things that will pass away
Untouched by God’s precious love
For they are external and material
The fleeting desires of the flesh
For all of this will soon be gone
And is only second best
For we are only passing through
Sojourners through this life
We know this world is not our home
But it’s waiting above with Christ
For what we have we’ve been given
Our possessions are only on loan
For we can’t take it when we die
When we stand before God’s throne
We have but only a small glimpse
Of what heaven would be like
To be wrapped in God’s loving arms
And walk in His glorious light
And it’s there with God in heaven above
Our treasures should be stored
For one day we will leave this world
To be at home with our Lord
Thank you Gabriel
For we easily forget
This world becomes our only reality
When education conditions us to think this way
Eventhough religion appears
To point us to spirituality
What's the use
If we do not meet our saviour
And instead
Fall for yet another
Human recipe
Your poem reminds me of a testimony
Far back twenty-three years ago
When I was in Form Four
This man told his life so miserable
Lacking in everything, yet a great smoker he was.
only an under pant and a short-sleeve left by his late father.
Yet often quarrel with his uncle,
He said, "I have been to hell and I have experience life in hell. So miserable."
"Now I have accepted Jesus as my Lord and Saviour,
I am a born again person.
Though not rich but I have my daily provision.
I experience the life of heaven though I'm still on earth.
I'm certain heaven is my etenal home"
That's what he shared,
Now he's a full time worker for the Lord.
God bless you, Gabriel
Your poem cause me to recall the time when a lady teacher taught me about a song "This world is not my home"
It's true, we are here on earth just "transit"
Soon we will be back to our eternal home which we all long for.
Jesus promised "In heaven there will no nore tears"
So, while we are still on, we need to do our job as children of God.
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